Tuesday, September 29, 2009

still hungry.

a friend from yale taught me how to make these while i was in japan.


I've been sick for the last few days (but yay! no swine flu) and all I've wanted to do is roll in bed and call home. Earlier today I video chatted with my mother, and nearly wailing, cried out, "엄마" (more like ommaAAAAaaaAAAAaaahh)." I told her how I missed her cooking, especially her chicken soup, and she responded by putting my dog in front of the camera... my family has a strange sense of humor.

So, instead of resorting to mom's home cooking I mustered the energy to cook for myself... and no, it wasn't Campbell's.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


greg inspired me to post photos from my summer in japan... here are a few of my favorites.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Many people have asked why I would start a language during my senior year of college. Though I do not have one particular reason, I suppose it largely rests on the two months I spent in Asia this passed summer. During my time abroad I spent a little over one month in Tokyo. I worked with college students from various universities. I was impressed by the level of English fluency many students had. I suppose this, combined with wanting to take classes of interest during my last year, led me to enroll in first year Japanese. Though we've only had classes for two weeks, I can honestly say that Japanese has taken up most of my time. While I find the grammar to be relatively similar to Korean, learning hiragana has been quite difficult. :0/

Thursday, September 17, 2009

introduction. :)

こんにちわ。 わたしは みん です。あめりかじんです。こるんびあ だいがく の よねんせい です。 わたしは 22さい です。どうぞよろしく。 :)